Caustic ingestions

Caustics are the substances capable of damaging the digestive system. Symptoms present during caustic ingestion include crying, dysphagia, vomiting, chest pain, laryngeal stridor, profuse sialorrhea, possible respiratory distress. Caustics can

The toxic shock syndrome

Toxic shock syndrome is a particularly risky type of shock caused by toxins produced by bacteria (staphylococcus or streptococcus).

Thoracic injuries: what to do?

These kinds of lesions can be of 2 types: pulmonary and chest wall. It is necessary to keep those affected by a chest injury while conscious, sitting or with head

Anaphylactic shock

Anaphylactic shock is the acute allergic reaction to exposure to allergens to which the patient had become sensitized, leading to The rapid release of mediators from mast cells and basophils.

The family and the patient with bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder not only disrupts the patient's life but also makes the lives of those around him difficult and sometimes painful. People affected by this disorder often have difficulty acknowledging their mental state to themselves.

Poisonings: dinitro-compounds

These compounds are used in orchards as a “winter wash” and as a herbicides in summer. From a toxicological point of view, their action biochemistry is common to all compounds.

Febrile convulsions

Le Febrile convulsions are seizures in the course of fever in a subject between 6 months old and 5 years old, who has no signs of acute brain affection or

Metals and metalloids: thallium

Although thallium comes used in industry does not appear to create employment risks. The action of the thallium at the biochemical level is not yet known and all we can


It is an acute metabolic decompensation, caused by hyperincretion of circulating thyroid hormones. Symptoms include: hyperthermia, atrial fibrillation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, psychomotor agitation, delirium, coma. In case of hyperthermia, it

How to manage the consequences of amputation


is defined as the complete removal of a body part. Surgical techniques can often reattach amputated parts so that normal or near-normal function is restored.

What to do?

  1. Check ABCHs and hemorrhage.
  2. Dealing with shocks.
  3. Look for and protect the amputated part. Later let the surgeon decide whether it can be reattached.
  4. To protect the amputated part, you must rinse it with water and remove debris, wrap the amputated part with dry, sterile gauze, place it in a container or plastic bag, on a bed of ice. Do not immerse the amputated part in ice, as it is difficult to reattach frozen anatomical parts.
  5. Call the ambulance immediately.


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