Heavy metals and metalloids: iron

Metallic iron does not give toxicity problems, although there are people with congenital defects in matabolism, for whom it behaves like a poison. Iron salts are pharmaceuticals for the treatment

Foreign body (in the respiratory tract)

Children between 6 months and 3 years of age often get find themselves struggling with a foreign body in the respiratory tract. Symptoms are spasmodic coughing and sudden stridor in

Arsina: what to do?

Arsine is a gas that is handled in its pure state in industry or is unexpectedly released from other metals when they come into contact with nascent hydrogen. Arsine has

Poisoning: general treatment measures

Apparatus urinary There is no good reason to stimulate profuse diuresis or to use diuretics, while treating the poisoned patient. Heavy metals are capable of damaging the kidneys , and

Types of poisoning: phosphine

Phosphine is highly toxic. Therefore, to safeguard those who are forced to use it, they are preparations were made that generate the gas on the ground. Phosphine, a when inhaled,

Arsenic Poisoning

Although arsenic is not a metal but a metalloid, it is widespread in nature and prolonged exposure causes a carcinogenic effect. Arsenic derivatives are used within industries as pesticides or

How to manage the consequences of amputation

For amputation is defined as the complete removal of a body part. Surgical techniques can often reattach amputated parts so that normal or near-normal function is restored. What to do?

Closed head trauma

In the case of closed head injury, loss of consciousness may not be immediate; in fact, several minutes may elapse between the time of injury and the appearance of neurological

Exposure to chemicals

A corrosive substance can damage tissue within minutes, so it is very important to remove it quickly. What to do? First, immediately call for an ambulance. If the chemical remains

Irritants, corrosives and caustics

There are plenty of chemicals on the market with irritating, corrosive and caustic characteristics to living tissue. Accidents can occur in both adults and children, who do not know the

Main types of poisoning: opiates


Opiates are considered opium, morphine, pethidine, diamorphine, methadone, pentazocine, and dextropropoxyphene. These are able to sedate pain and result in drug dependence. Their production and sale are under strict control of the law. Overdose can be due to therapeutic excess, voluntary or negligent self-administration. In addition to the analgesic effect, these drugs have the ability to depress the entire central nervous system. The triad formed by coma, respiratory depression, and point myosis is diagnosed and often associated with cyanosis. Usually skeletal muscles are flaccid, and cardiovascular collapse is not severe.

Diagnosis and treatment

Circumstances usually lead to the diagnosis, and the sign of a recent injection is an important clue to look for in any case. Treatment is a true urgency and should never be postponed. To combat coma and respiratory depression, a specific antidote must be administered. Within a few minutes there is an improvement in breathing. In case there is no improvement one must opt for a different cause than opiate poisoning.

Source: Vadecum of poisoning therapy by Roy Goulding


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