Starting a physical activity: some tips

The reasons that often prompt us to start a physical activity are many and varied. One of the main motivations is definitely aesthetic (one plays sports to improve one’s physical

Stress and well-being

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Stress as a source of survival

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Personal autonomy and competence

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INFLUENZA: maximum peak coming up

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New Year’s Eve fireworks: hundreds of amputations every year


Each year, more and more people are being injured on New Year’s Eve due to bangers. The campaigns and appeals launched against their use is bringing good results, even recording a decrease in dead and injured animals, either because they were struck by the fires or through heartbreak.

Although the number of casualties seems to have decreased, firecrackers and fireworks continue to cause thousands of injuries and burns in adults and children each year. The most severe damage appears to be to the hands and face, and in 5% of cases limbs need to be amputated. Accidents not only involve those who use and handle fires, but also the people next to them, often children. Hundreds of people on New Year’s Eve invade hospital wards, sometimes sustaining irreversible damage, which obviously then affects the life and work of the unfortunate person.

If you especially love fireworks and cannot give them up, it is best to follow some tips, so as to avoid any damage: do not use firecrackers indoors and near children, if a firecracker does not work avoid forcing it to ignite and immediately throw it into a container full of water, do not handle fireworks or firecrackers near open flames, always place the firecracker on a non-flammable stand, as soon as the fire is ignited move as far away as possible.

Unfortunately, because of fireworks every year so many people die or are injured in their limbs. Shenanigans, however, are not only committed on New Year’s Eve. As we know even during other evenings, which are supposed to be pleasant it happens that someone enjoys unleashing panic, whether at a disco, a concert or an event. And sometimes it happens that there are victims.

New Year’s Eve, as well as other times of gathering, should only bring joy and merriment and avoid causing pain and death.


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    Aesthetic Doctors, Basic Doctors

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