Caustic ingestions

Caustics are the substances capable of damaging the digestive system. Symptoms present during caustic ingestion include crying, dysphagia, vomiting, chest pain, laryngeal stridor, profuse sialorrhea, possible respiratory distress. Caustics can

Tetany: what to do?

Tetany is divided into: manifest, latent and alkalosic. Symptoms of manifest tetany include muscle aches and cramps, opisthotonos, paresthesias or stiffness in the hands and feet. Convulsions, laryngospasms, and carpo-podal

Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy

Coagulopathy is related to different clinical pictures, involving the activation of the process of coagulation resulting in thrombus deposition in the microcircle and consumption of coagulation factors and platelets.

Anuria and oliguria: what to do?

The anuria Is the failure of the kidney to produce urine. Oliguria, on the other hand, is the production of insufficient amount of urine to maintain homeostasis. Le causes may

Suction of a foreign body

This is an event Very common in pediatric age. It is manifested by coughing and reduced vesicular murmur. The medical history is usually indicative, along with the picture that can

Main types of poisoning: salicylates

The most common type of poisoning is from aspirin, a drug that contains acetylsalicylic acid. Aspirin tablets are very popular among adults intent on poisoning. In the body, salicylates exert

Heavy metals and metalloids: iron

Metallic iron does not give toxicity problems, although there are people with congenital defects in matabolism, for whom it behaves like a poison. Iron salts are pharmaceuticals for the treatment

Pneumonia in children

Pneumonia is a disease characterized by inflammation of the pulmonary alveoli, which are fill with fluid that hinders respiratory function. The most Common are fever, vomiting and poor appetite, but

What to do in case of lead poisoning?


Lead abounds in nature as it is distributed over the earth by reaching the environment for extraction from natural deposits. Lead enters metabolism and interferes with normal heme synthesis. It also acts on the nervous system, both centrally and peripherally. True lead poisoning can only occur with certain types of salts of the metal, so toxicity is not strictly related to the metal, but to the behavior of the ingested substance.

This type of poisoning can set in very insidiously with the appearance of symptoms when the lead content in the body becomes excessive. The main symptoms are abdominal pain, nerve palsy, metallic taste, and constipation. If lead has been ingested in the intestines an X-ray may show opacities.

Diagnosis and treatment

Lead poisoning can be recognized through the symptoms described above. Additional tests include assay of amino-levulinic acid dehydrase activity in erythrocytes. Acute poisoning requires supportive treatment to balance dehydration and electrolyte loss. Chronic poisoning, on the other hand, requires specific chelation-type therapy when symptoms are evident and blood levels are above 100 mL in adults and children.

Source: Vadecum of poisoning therapy by Roy Goulding


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