Water sports

We have now reached the height of summer. Temperatures are beginning to rise relentlessly and the heat is beginning to take its toll, especially on those who practice sports. Running,

4. Natural plant world and human presence

Compared to the imaginative clothes worn by plants to better adapt to natural environments, those imposed by humans reflect the need on the part of humans to indulge their own desires.

Staying in shape as we age

The body does not remain the same as it was 20 or even 10 years ago. Our training method could not remain the same as it was then either. Some

Mens sana in corpore sano!

Even the Ancient Romans were aware of the positive correlation between exercise and mental activity. But not all sports are the same. Which sports promote mental activity and what is

8. Preparation for the freediving test

Before any apnea, whether it is static, dynamic or deep, it is a good idea to take a time where you isolate yourself and relax, breathing in stillness and awareness, detaching your mind as if in a kind of meditation, to clear it of anxieties and stress.

Walking to lose weight on a regular basis


To live a healthy life in full mental and physical well-being, it is possible to lose weight by walking, so as to safeguard the health of one’s body and promote the achievement of effective, rapid and natural results.

Slimming down by walking

Walking is, very often, an underestimated type of exercise even though it is very suitable and effective for losing weight and keeping fit, especially if you are lazy, or if you do not have enough time to be able to regularly attend a gym and/or engage in alternative exercise.

There are many ways to walk to lose weight, and unfortunately, not everyone is familiar with them. As a result, it often happens that we are easily discouraged, perhaps because the expected result never comes.

It is interesting to find out how to lose weight by walking, taking into account targeted tips and suggestions, for a life with an optimal state of health and general mental and physical well-being.

Slimming down by walking: how to do it

Many experts and knowledgeable and also many sports enthusiasts or lovers maintain that walking is a healthy habit that should be an integral part of a proper lifestyle, including quality rest, proper nutrition and regular exercise.

If you practice walking on a regular basis, it is not impossible to achieve the ultimate goal, but what does this premise imply? First of all, it is good to determine how you intend to lose weight and the amount of weight to be lost, and depending on your needs, determine which type of walking is most suitable for achieving the final result.

The following is a list of different types of walking by which to achieve specific, targeted benefits:

  • uphill and incline walking, if the goal is to lose weight, and restore your figure, burning fat and calories;
  • fast walking and slow walking, two types of walking to be practiced alternately as a support to stay fit, firm muscles, strengthen and redefine the buttocks, and promote healthy and proper cardiovascular activity.
  • In order to avoid of undesirable situations that may compromise the training plan, however, it is recommended to limit walking time to no more than half an hour a day and for no more than three times a week. It is also recommended to always drink plenty of water throughout the day to promote fluid loss and fight water retention.


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