Prostatitis: what you need to know

The prostate is a gland in the urogenital system that is adapted for the production of prostatic secretion, a fluid that during ejaculation, in the urethra, mixes with sperm from

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What is benign prostatic hypertrophy?

Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), or prostatic adenoma, is a fairly common disease that consists of benign enlargement of the prostate, leading to no small amount of difficulty in urinating. BPH

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Prostatitis: what you need to know


The prostate is a gland in the urogenital system that is adapted for the production of prostatic secretion, a fluid that during ejaculation, in the urethra, mixes with sperm from the testes to give rise to seminal fluid.
Prostatitis, acute and chronic, is an inflammatory disease of the prostate and predominantly affects men under the age of 50. It is a condition that often manifests itself with difficulty in urination, burning, hyperpyrexia and/or to perineal (anal, perineal, penile-urethral) discomfort or pain.

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