Itchy eyes

Doctors and teachers once recommended to children that the eyes should not be crinkled with the hands but rather with the elbows, to emphasize the concept that theeye should be

Home can also help you stay healthy

When it comes to prevention and health protection, in genre, one thinks about healthy diet, physical activity, and sleep quality, to periodic checkups at the doctor, the importance of avoiding

Memory lapses due to hypertension

High blood pressure, especially when not properly treated, gradually acts against the brain’s many blood vessels, causing memory impairment and in some cases even dementia. Hypertension can also cause stroke.

Worrying too much is bad for your health

In the face of any problem, worrying excessively only makes the situation worse. Not only because it prevents one from focusing and rationally analyzing critical issues and strategies to deal

If back pain occurs during our vacation…


It may happen that back pain occurs during the vacations due to physical exertion, air conditioning, or poor posture.

What are the remedies to get rid of it as soon as possible?

It is advisable, first of all, absolute rest in fact it seems that sleep preserves back pain
If you usually sleep on your side, it is most effective to place a pillow between your knees, which will help realign your spine and restore proper posture balance.
If it is lumbar back pain, however, it is more helpful to put a pillow under the knees so that the muscles relax.
In addition, pain can be combated with anti-inflammatory drugs, cryotherapy with ice application, and thermotherapy with patches or self-heating bands.
It is important to resume moving as soon as possible, but without overdoing it, trying to avoid exertion and perhaps wearing a lumbar belt to help support the back.


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