The clothing to avoid in case of Cellulite

When we talk about Cellulite prevention, in addition to dwelling on eating habits, exercise and lifestyle, we must also dwell on one of the aspects of daily life: the way we dress.

5. Breathing

All of us, when we are born, know well what is the right way to breathe. If we observed a small baby resting on the changing table, we would immediately

Exercise helps improve memory

Doing physical activity, whether it is a simple workout or a real sport, certainly brings many health benefits to our bodies. However, in addition to the already mentioned positive effects

Mens sana in corpore sano!

Even the Ancient Romans were aware of the positive correlation between exercise and mental activity. But not all sports are the same. Which sports promote mental activity and what is

Sports and summer, practical tips to stay in shape


Physical activity is the best way to maintain perfect form in anticipation of the arrival of colder weather. Obviously, if you want to practice sports during certain times you have to pay attention to several things, first and foremost the diet, which must be able to provide all the useful substances for your muscles, without forgetting to drink plenty of water.

Sports and nutrition, a winning combination

Sitting at the table is never easy, especially in high temperatures, which is why in order not to strain the digestive mechanisms too much, one must try to assimilate all the necessary nutrients, ranging from vitamins to carbohydrates and from proteins to fats.
To perform sports in the summer, one must always keep blood sugar in mind to avoid hypoglycemic surges that can destabilize one’s body. For a summer diet, we recommend a breakfast of a cup of milk or 125 grams of low-fat yogurt, coffee (preferably barley), a few cereal biscuits and a few teaspoons of honey, finishing with a pineapple juice or orange juice. At lunch you have more choices, but to stay light, salads rich in vegetables are ideal, especially with various mixes such as cheeses or nuts, all to be paired with white meats such as chicken or turkey, dressed only with extra virgin olive oil. If you wish to have snacks, fresh fruit salad is the perfect meal, without added sugar, while for dinner the choice often falls on oily fish, with a side of vegetables.

Physical activity results in significant fluid loss, and in the summer months the situation worsens, and it is recommended not only to drink plenty of water but also to take various minerals to maintain perfect functioning of one’s body. When hydrosaline levels drop dramatically, you risk the notorious heat stroke, which can seriously endanger anyone’s health. For this reason, sportsmen and women during the summer must continually supplement fluids and minerals by drinking at least 2 liters of water daily, paying special attention during training. A healthy way to assimilate all the fluids needed to maintain perfect
physical fitness
in the summertime is to eat plenty of fruit, which provides fructose and various vitamins. If needed, supplements can be purchased to rebalance all the hydrosaline levels that are lost through sweating and protect against cramping and muscle weakness.

If you enjoy jogging, tennis, cycling or outdoor sports, try to avoid the hot hours of the day, which could lead to heat stroke or sunstroke: you may experience severe nausea, fever and intense sweating, headache and shortness of breath. Finally, be very careful not to change your lifestyle too much-if, for example, you start exercising during the evening hours, this could affect the quality of your sleep.


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